Installation at Dirty Art Department Graduation Show, Deep Sea Baby Dark Doom Honey, 2022, Amsterdam
Title: Malo Vento III
Year: 2022
Duration: 00:08:44
In “Magic: A Theory from the South” (1959), the Italian ethnographer Ernesto De Martino describes a specific case of domination that manifests itself “with an actual binding, carried out with material ropes and knots that immobilize the body. In the simplest case, the binding is in fact self-tying, which in the oneiric consciousness is completely merged in the representative contents of the consciousness itself (1)”.

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Throughout the performance, as the elements restrict the body, the mind detaches from the it, inducing a trance-like state that to identify the movements required for the liberation. Only when the body is freed and the knots are undone (unbinding), the individual presence -or conscious self- can be reintegrated into the physical body. This process brings into light the multidimensionality of patholoigcal conditions, stretching their existance in between the physical and the psychic.
1. Ernesto, De Martino, Magic: A Theory from the South (HAU - Classics in Ethnographic Theory, 1959). Kindle edition, 66.